
DUF | Det er okay at trække stikket

Brand Campaign

"Det er okay at trække stikket" is an empowering campaign dedicated to the well-being of young people. In a world that moves at lightning speed, we've joined forces with Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd to advocate for unplugging and taking much-needed breaks.

With engaging visuals and relatable stories the campaign aims to ignite a collective realization among young minds that it's not only acceptable, but essential to step away from the hustle of everyday life. Our campaign stands as a powerful challenge to societal pressures and emphasizes the immense value of recharging.

At the core of our mission lies the belief that true empowerment comes from finding balance and harmony in a hectic world. "Træk Stikket" seeks to empower young minds to prioritize their well-being without guilt or fear of missing out. Our campaign offers a gentle reminder that taking breaks doesn't equate to weakness or inefficiency; instead, it's a courageous act of self-preservation and self-discovery.

Dansk Ungdom Fællesråd


Johanne Sofie Rasmussen
Valdemar S. Falther
Emilie Olsen


Lukas Valentin

Asger Stage

Lukas Valentin & Tobias Ervolder

1st. AC:
Emil Boye

Leonardo Bosetti

Production Company:
Mirror Entertainment

Line Producer:
Emil Boye

Lukas Valentin

Emil Boye

Sound Design:
Benjamin Rozilio

Malthe Molbech Sabri

Dansk Ungdom Fællesråd

Client Creatives:
Mette Marie Heinfelt, Simon Meggers Matthiesen & Emilie Blinkenberg

Thanks to

all extras

Mirror is a creative production house that seeks to reflect, visualize and mirror the world around us. 

We merge the worlds of branding and entertainment, crafting cutting-edge content that paves the way for exceptional performance.

Mirror is a creative production house that seeks to reflect, visualize and mirror the world around us. 

We merge the worlds of branding and entertainment, crafting cutting-edge content that paves the way for exceptional performance.

Mirror Entertainment
+45 51 33 51 33
Folehaven 137, 2500 Valby

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